nurture warm space
Open 10-4 Monday to Friday for Self service tea and coffee, 11-1 on a monday we have a donation based soup, made with local donated produce and cooked up by our volunteers.
We can provide CETMA 3 day emergency food boxes, at risk of homelessness boxes (warm clothes/sleepingbag/ hot water bottle/ hats and gloves), 24 hour emergency no cook food parcel and period poverty kits.
We can help signpost you to services for supporting you within the centre and beyond and can help you fill in forms or make phone calls.
We are actively looking for funding to develop this space look at the YOUR SPACE page for more info
Tuesday 10-12 Age Cymru coffee morning ALL WELCOME
Once a month Carmarthen and Crosshands Autistic Mam’s (CCAMA) group meets
If you would like to volunteer a few hours a week to host a drop in or a session in the warm space let us know